Fast flux — is a DNS technique used by botnets to hide phishing and malware delivery sites behind an ever changing network of compromised hosts acting as proxies. It can also refer to the combination of peer to peer networking, distributed command and… … Wikipedia
Fast-Flux — Le Fast flux est une technique connue pour son utilisation pour dissimuler des sites de phishing et de disséminateur de malware. Cette technique utilise les caractéristiques techniques du protocole DNS (ou Domain Name system) permettant d… … Wikipédia en Français
Fast Flux — Le Fast flux est une technique connue pour son utilisation pour dissimuler des sites de phishing et de disséminateur de malware. Cette technique utilise les caractéristiques techniques du protocole DNS (ou Domain Name system) permettant d… … Wikipédia en Français
Fast Flux — Analyse einer Fast Flux Domain mit Robtex F … Deutsch Wikipedia
Fast flux — Le fast flux est une technique utilisée pour dissimuler des sites de hameçonnage (phishing) et de disséminateurs de logiciels malveillants. Cette technique utilise les caractéristiques techniques du protocole DNS (ou Domain Name System),… … Wikipédia en Français
Fast Flux Test Facility — f1 Fast Flux Test Facility Luftaufnahme der Fast Flux Test Facility Lage … Deutsch Wikipedia
Fast Flux Test Facility — The Fast Flux Test Facility is a 400 MW nuclear test reactor owned by the U.S. Department of Energy.It is situated in the 400 Area of the Hanford Site, which is located in the state of Washington.HistoryThe construction of the FFTF was completed… … Wikipedia
Flux — This article is about the concept of flux in science and mathematics. For other uses of the word, see Flux (disambiguation). In the various subfields of physics, there exist two common usages of the term flux, both with rigorous mathematical… … Wikipedia
Fast breeder reactor — The fast breeder or fast breeder reactor (FBR) is a fast neutron reactor designed to breed fuel by producing more fissile material than it consumes. The FBR is one possible type of breeder reactor. The reactors are used in nuclear power plants to … Wikipedia
Fast neutron reactor — [ Shevchenko BN350 nuclear fast reactor and desalination plant situated on the shore of the Caspian Sea. The plant generates 135 MWe and provides steam for an associated desalination plant. View of the interior of the reactor hall.] A fast… … Wikipedia
Flux (metallurgy) — Rosin used as flux for soldering A flux pen used f … Wikipedia